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New Article by ViralSound on "UnRelenting".
VIRALSOUND is an ITALIAN based site that showcases the best new independent music from around the world. Check out their latest review on "UnRelenting".
unrelenting write-up by Vintage MG.
Check out this write-up on "UnRelenting" by Vintage Magazine/Blog. Much appreciate you all taking the time to review my track.
New EP "Pinnacle" out now.
The new EP "Pinnacle" is now available across all digital platforms. The EP consists of 6 tracks with the first single "UnRelenting. To check out a preview of each track, click here.
I have written a tribute piece entitled "Orange Lucidity" for the documentary film "Is Your Story Making You Sick."
IS YOUR STORY MAKING YOU SICK?, is a breakthrough documentary film featuring eight courageous people from all walks of life who suffered from a variety of stress-related illnesses. In four, 4-day workshops over 6-months, these people resolutely challenged their old thinking patterns and began to view themselves and their circumstances differently. Through a variety of leading-edge non-pharmacological healing practices and meaningful and oftentimes arduous work with each other, they changed their perspectives, their stories, and thus their lives. Audiences cannot watch this film without pondering the possibility of their own transformation.
First single UnRelenting is currently spinning on Sharing stations with Xandria, Alexandre Desplat, Two Steps From Hell, E.S. Posthumus, Jennifer Thomas, and many more.